NS.18467.000 Lowndes County Gilmer-Wilburn Road Improvements #17522
Accepting Bids
Bid Date | 2/21/25 10:00am |
Sealed bids for the Gilmer-Wilburn Road Improvements will be received by the Lowndes County Board of Supervisors in the Board Room on the 1st floor of the Lowndes County Courthouse, 505 2nd Avenue North, Columbus Mississippi, until 10:00 A. M., Tuesday, February 21, 2025 and then at said office publicly opened and read aloud.
This project includes all items related to the reshaping and stabilization of portions of Gilmer-Wilburn Road in Lowndes County, MS. The above general outline of features of the work does not in any way limit the responsibility of the Contractor to perform all work and furnish all labor, equipment and materials required by the specifications and the drawings referred to therein.
CERTIFICATE OF RESPONSIBILITY: Each contractor submitting a bid in excess of $50,000.00 must show on his bid and on the face of the envelope containing the bid, his Certificate of Responsibility Number, as required by Section 31-3-21 and 31-3-15, Mississippi Code of 1972. If the bid does not exceed $50,000.00, a notation so stating must appear on the face of the envelope.
Each bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope, addressed to Lowndes County Board of Supervisors. Each sealed envelope containing a bid shall be clearly marked on the outside as: BID ENCLOSED “GILMER-WILBURN ROAD IMPROVEMENTS” and the envelope should also bear on the outside the name of the Company and the Company’s address. If forwarded by mail, the sealed envelope containing the bid must be enclosed in another envelope addressed to Lowndes County Chancery Clerk, 505 2nd Ave. N., Columbus, MS 39701. Any bid not received in writing at this office by the date and time specified will be declared late. Lowndes County Board of Supervisors will not be responsible for delays in delivery. It is solely the responsibility of the vendor that bids reach the opening on time. Any bid received after deadline will be returned unopened. Bids or alterations by fax or phone will not be accepted.
Electronic bids shall be accepted, if received prior to the bid date and time. When bids are submitted electronically, the same requirements for submitting sealed bids shall apply. Electronic bids shall be submitted online at www.neel-schafferplans.com and shall include a document representing the cover of the envelope containing all of the items listed above.
No bidder may withdraw his bid within ninety (90) days after the actual date of the opening thereof.
EVIDENCE: No bid will be opened, considered or accepted unless the above information is given as specified.
Awarding public contracts to non-resident Bidders will be on the same basis as the non-resident bidder’s state awards contracts to Mississippi Contractors bidding under similar circumstances. In order to ensure that Mississippi’s Golden Rule is followed, state law requires a non-resident bidder to attach to his bid, a copy of his/her resident state’s current laws pertaining to such state’s treatment of non-resident contractors. Each Bidder must deposit with his proposal, a Bid Bond or Certified Check in an amount equal to five percent (5%) of his bid, payable to Lowndes County Board of Supervisors, as bid security. The successful bidder will be required to furnish a Payment Bond and Performance Bond each in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract amount.
Bid documents are being made available electronically and via original paper copy (if requested). Plan holders are required to register for an account at www.neel-schafferplans.com to view and order Bid Documents. All plan holders are required to have a valid email address for registration. Electronic bids shall be submitted through www.neel-schafferplans.com. Bid documents are non-refundable and must be purchased through the website. Please contact Plan House Printing at (662) 407-0193 with questions regarding website registration and online orders.
The Lowndes County Board of Supervisors hereby notifies all Bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged and women’s business enterprises will be afforded the full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, or national origin in consideration for an award.
The Lowndes County Board of Supervisors reserves the right to reject any bids and all bids and waive any informality.
BY: /s/ Trip Hairston
Lowndes County Board of Supervisors, President
January 23, 2025
January 30, 2025